nutrient use efficiency
Manitoba Crop Alliance
Listed In:
Agricultural Innovations, Agronomy, Digital Agricultural and Food Systems, Food Safety, Funding, Genetics, Marketing and Economics, Plant Protein, Water Management
Business Type
Industry Member
Main Contact Person
Lori-Ann Kaminski
Research Program Manager
agronomic innovations to increase productivity and competitiveness of farmer members, barley, Biological products, Breeding, communication of timely agronomic information, corn, crop residue management, crop rotation, extremes of moisture management - prevention of yield loss to drought and excess moisture, field crops, flax, Fungicide, Fusarium, genetic enhancement, genomic, Genomics, harvest management, herbicide, in-crop control measures, Malting, maximizing profitability for protein, Nitrogen, nitrogen and protein, nitrogen use efficiency, nutrient use efficiency, On-Farm Research Network, PGRs, plant disease management, population and row spacing research, production, profitability, soil, Spring wheat, stand establishment, sunflower, Sunflowers, value added, Variety development, variety evaluation trials, water, Weed Species, wheat, whole farm, Winter wheat
field infrastructure, contributions to public sector researchers for some infrastructure costs, Funding, applied research investigations that will advance the interests and profitability of farmer members as well as agronomists and extensive experience in setting up, running & analysis of field research trials
Primary Production and Harvesting
Nitrogen and Protein - from maximizing profitability for protein and seeking better nitrogen use efficiency Extremes of Moisture Initiative - there is currently significant national and international research focused on drought issues for cereals but in much of Manitoba crops are often at risk of yield loss due to excess moisture than drought Rotation Considerations - with a special focus on pulse – cereal rotations. What lessons can be learned about the management practices of one crop that improves the prospects of the rotation Facilitate the development of agronomic innovations to increase productivity and competitiveness of farmer members Residue management Stand establishment, population and row spacing research Continued support to the On-Farm Research Network Support of variety evaluation trials (Manitoba Corn Committee, Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Team, Sunflower Variety Performance Trials) Communication of timely agronomic information Profitability – Relative to other crops and consistency Harvest management Value added. General: Research funding portfolio concentrates on issues of primary production but the continuum extends from prebreeding genetic investigations through plant breeding and variety development to resource efficiency in grain production on the farm, market acceptance issues and opportunities with a few projects which concentrate on meeting processing opportunities.
Variety development/genetic enhancement – from core breeding agreements to funding of genomic improvement projects in wheat (spring and winter), corn, and sunflowers Fusarium head blight management - from varietal improvement to in-crop control measures

Mailing Address:
38 4th Avenue NE Carman
R0G 0J0
38 4th Avenue NE Carman
R0G 0J0